(1) Open with some good old uptown strut. Mido has a voice that’s a bit more grainy than we’re used to…..by being exactly What The Books Say About City Pop, this actually sounds like nothing else at all. MV 3/5 HNT 9/13 K 9/10 (2) Fretless Bass….twinkle percussion and very wide-screen vox that stops this from being The Slow One. K 9/10 MV 2/10 HNT 8/13 (3) Back to the uptown strut, but this time, afternoon and not evening. MV 1/5 K 9/10 HNT 8/13. So, Midori has a lovely expressive voice and what’s nice is that she uses her range and ability to do more than just EMOTE all over the place. (4) A proper pop song and a lovely one, too. Just cute and fun, and MV 5/5 HNT 11/13 K 9/10. (5) Hmmmm….is THIS the slow one? I guess it might be. So, patience. Let’s hope this isn’t it for the whole album. (6) Bouncy again! Yay! Something approaching Free jazz violin here. As disco as we’ve come so far and that’s a Good thing. What a NICE voice Mido has — MV 4/5 K 9/10 HNT 11/13. UNEXPECTEDLY – ONE OF THE GENRE-DEFINING ALBUMS — WHO KNEW??