hauntography ч

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(1) Straight into Koshi Miharu spooky chanson territory here – actual cello, I think. Wow. Just, wow. MV 4/5 HNT 11/13 K 6/10. Don’t think this is quite right for an actual kissaten – but be nice if it was. (2) More of the same. Quivery keyboards – spoken vox a la Natsuki Mari — which isn’t actually a terrible comparison. MV 1/5 HNT 6/13 K 9/10. Very nice over-long instrumental fade-out….(3) Seashore noises, reverb keybds, just about as progressive as you can get. Minimal vocals – this might be the slow one but it’s genuinely regretful as opposed to just dreary. A drum machine appears at the one minute mark. HNT 11/13 MV 4/5 K 5/10 (4) Aha! In true Miharu style, The Whimsical One. MV 0/5 K 6/10 HNT 10/13. Typewriter Percussion, 2am Haunted Theatre song. Mmmm. (5) Fast electro one now. Can’t identify one single influence, but the typrewriter sounds are still there. And unreconstructed city pop backing vocals. Endlessly deferred chorus. (6) Slow Down again – nice guitar arpeggios. Phased vocals and twinkle-twinkle percussion. And engaged-telephone sounds. HNT 6/13 MV 3/5 K 7/10. (7) Quiet but lovely – this album’s Bayside Stroll / Sunny Park song. MV 1/5 HNT 6/13 K 7/10. Camera sounds now, signifying what, I wonder….WHAT a great album.