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(1) BRASH BV’s – vox probably pitched higher than I expected – after all this time, maybe we’re finally hitting ‘stuff that sounds like city pop is supposed to sound like’. MV 2/5 HNT 7/13 K 5/10. (2) And more! Ah! The joy of an album which sets out its stall and does what it promises. Not really so much to say except ‘yup! Proper City Pop’. MV 2/5 HNT 7/13 K 6/10. (3) Everso slightly dub I think but not in a bad way and sticking to the same theme. Pretty. MV 2/5 HNT 7/13 K 7/10 (4) The consistency continues in a way that might actually be a bit wearing if it weren’t for the fact that this is exactly the kind of album I’ve been looking for. (5) By now, I’d be expecting the Slow One, which actually, this kind of is, but far more upbeat and energetic that you might expect. Lovely instrumentation and lovely arrangement too……(6) Just as relaxed as the last one and on the same level of energy: ONCE AGAIN scores MV 2/5 HNT 7/13 K 6/10 (7) If I’m light on things to write about this album, it’s not because it’s bad – far from it – but because it’s so delightfully consistent – and just what I wanted and hoped for, a PROPER City Pop album; and now here I am with 2 in a row. (8) UlTRA-light HR with spiky keyboards and the over-all feel of an OP/END Theme; MV 1/5 K 2/5 HNT 9/13. Choppy piano and Pioneer keyboards. (9) Slightly orchestral and composed-sounding K 7/10 HNT 7/13 MV 3/5 (10) The proper slow one.